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New product testing – Non-invasive ultrasound based intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring concept

Evaluation of a new non-invasive ultrasound based intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring concept among potential users to understand interest and market potential.

The Client

  • An upcoming Medtech company with a focus on developing disruptive and innovative technologies, focused specifically in the neurological space

The Challenge

  • The client wants to enter the ICP monitoring market. However, they want to understand the challenges and unmet needs with the existing technologies and likelihood to adopt/replace current invasive technologies with the client’s non-invasive technology. They want to identify the scope and impact of new technologies on existing workflow and estimate the market potential for these non-invasive technologies.​

Our Approach

  • Desk research of current and upcoming ICP monitoring technologies
  • Qualitative Research : One on one, in-depth telephonic interviews with key stakeholders (Neurosurgeons, ICU Physicians and ER Physicians)

The Objectives

  • To understand current technologies of ICP monitoring and evaluate challenges and unmet needs with these technologies
  • To identify upcoming/promising non-invasive technologies for ICP monitoring
  • To understand feedback for client’s concept and study the purchase likelihood and preferences
  • To evaluate the impact of the new non-invasive concept on existing workflow and identify the target settings for launch
  • To estimate the market potential for a non-invasive ICP monitoring technology


  • The current patient pathway for ICP monitoring was drawn
  • The key patient scenarios that require ICP monitoring and the current technologies for ICP monitoring were identified and unmet needs and top challenges with these technologies were highlighted
  • Perception of stakeholders on new concept such as concept likes and dislikes and recommendation to overcome the perceived drawbacks were suggested
  • As final takeaway, ‘value proposition’, impact on workflow and go to market strategy of the client’s concept was devised

John Doe

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