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Advanced visualization brand recall and equity perceptions study

To determine the level of awareness, usage, and satisfaction for products/product families in the area of image processing/ post-processing and advanced visualization

The Client

  • A global medical technology company, provider of various technologies, digital infrastructure, data analytics and decision support tools useful in diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients

The Challenge

  • The client perceives that there is a gap in the comprehension of its’ product family communication and hence there is not a complete understanding of the same among the stakeholders although being present for almost 30 years now
  • The client hence wants to understand stakeholder perception of its offering and identify the difference in perception

Our Approach

  • Quantitative Research (20 min online survey) with Radiology heads/Directors, Radiologists, IT Suite (IT managers/directors, CIOs, CMIOs), and Technologists in the USA, France, Germany, and China.

The Objectives

  • Understand brand awareness, familiarity, and usage for products/product families in the area of image processing/post-processing and advanced visualization
  • Evaluate satisfaction and brand perception for key brands of advanced visualization
  • Identify the key purchase factors
  • Evaluate the likelihood recommend the current key brands of advanced visualization


  • Based on the research objectives, we identified the level of familiarity for key brands of image processing/post-processing and advanced visualization
  • We determined the awareness, usage, and satisfaction of platform products and applications of the client brand and its competitors
  • We mapped the unaided perceptions of the client brand and its competitors for both platform products and applications
  • We identified the attributes with which the client brand and its competitors are most associated
  • We calculated the NPS (Net Promoter Score) for the client brand and its competitors

Sample output

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