Concept testing and willingness to adopt a new system Radiology Analytics Solution and Predictive Scheduling Solution.
The Client
A global medical technology company manufactures and sells a broad range of medical imaging, information technology, medical diagnostics and therapeutic devices.
The Challenge
Our client is one of the market leaders in diverse medical devices including healthcare IT equipment. They were planning to launch a value-PACS system for the low & mid-tier hospitals in the emerging market. At the product design stage they wanted to identify the ideal PACS package and its pricing.
Combination of Qualitative & Quantitative interviews with Radiologists (including conjoint) to understand the overall unmet needs, product feedback and appropriate pricing (considering the trade-offs).
To understand the ideal value PACS package with the most acceptable pricing.
Understand the importance to customers of key product features/attributes.
Understand customers needs, satisfaction, challenges, unmet needs with current PACS and Value-PACS.
Understand the optimal price points of product. Price model and price point to generate the highest adoption of the Value-PACS with highest revenue potential.
Evaluate features and services customers consider as value-added and differentiated, so they might pay an extra amount to get them and what do they consider as table stakes.
To identify the ideal product, it is essential to map the current unmet needs and challenges that the PACS non-users are witnessing and if a PACS solution is something that they would be willing to invest in
Thereafter we tried to gather customer’s opinion on the client’s value-PACS and if it can be considered as a fit in the current scenario
Once a resonance was established, we mapped out the ‘must’ features according to the customer’s demand and tested the package pricing with them
They were then asked to create their ideal package within their price expectations
At the end, the client had the ideal package and its pricing for each of the emerging countries along with the market opportunity size