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Customer VOC on a new value-PACS product and its pricing

Concept testing and willingness to adopt a new system Radiology Analytics Solution and Predictive Scheduling Solution.

The Client

  • A global medical technology company manufactures and sells a broad range of medical imaging,  information technology, medical diagnostics and  therapeutic devices.

The Challenge

  • Our client is one of the market leaders in diverse medical devices including healthcare IT equipment. They were planning to launch a value-PACS system for the low & mid-tier hospitals in the emerging market. At the product design stage they wanted to identify the ideal PACS package and its pricing.

Our Approach

  • Combination of Qualitative & Quantitative interviews with Radiologists (including conjoint) to understand the overall unmet needs, product feedback and appropriate pricing (considering the trade-offs).

The Objectives

  • To understand the ideal value PACS package with the most acceptable pricing.
  • Understand the importance to customers of key product features/attributes.
  • Understand customers needs, satisfaction, challenges, unmet needs with current PACS and Value-PACS.
  • Understand the optimal price points of product. Price model and price point to generate the highest adoption of the Value-PACS with highest revenue potential.
  • Evaluate features and services customers consider as value-added and differentiated, so they might pay an extra amount to get them and what do they consider as table stakes.


  • To identify the ideal product, it is essential to map the current unmet needs and challenges that the PACS non-users are witnessing and if a PACS solution is something that they would be willing to invest in
  • Thereafter we tried to gather customer’s opinion on the client’s value-PACS and if it can be considered as a fit in the current scenario
  • Once a resonance was established, we mapped out the ‘must’ features according to the customer’s demand and tested the package pricing with them
  • They were then asked to create their ideal package within their price expectations
  • At the end, the client had the ideal package and its pricing for each of the emerging countries along with the market opportunity size

John Doe

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