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Diagnostic Market Awareness Study

To establish the current baseline on brand health and communication impact.

The Client

  • A global provider of technologies and services that advance and accelerate the development and manufacture of therapeutics.​

The Challenge

  • The client has established a baseline awareness in the (molecular and immuno) diagnostics market space through an initial marketing campaign over the last year.
  • The client now wishes to track and assess its brand positioning and impact of the campaign launched in the previous year.

Our Approach

  • Quantitative online survey (20 mins) based on a structured questionnaire developed and finalized with client.
  • The survey was administered to 420 respondents including Departments Heads /Managers, Principal/Senior Scientists, Lab Managers/ Heads/ Director/Technicians in US/Canada, West Europe, China and India.​

The Objectives

  • To track the level of awareness, associations, and perceptions of client among customers.​
  • To identify the brand positioning as compared to the competitors and evaluate the white spaces​
  • To assess the success of the client’s Diagnostics marketing campaign and to test other campaigns in order to target the key audience with appropriate messaging.​


  • Identified the current aided and unaided awareness of diagnostic component supplier along with its usage (past and current) and future consideration​
  • Analyzed perceptual maps to evaluate the brand perception and brand linkage of client’s diagnostics products – compared with previous year and identify the ‘white spaces’ in the positioning.​
  • Gathered the campaign perception around initial reaction, likeability, clarity, engagement, relevance , uniqueness, comprehension, and identified key areas of improvement.​
  • Based on the overall insights we provided recommendations on:
    • Current positioning of the client’s brand as compared to competitors​
    • Strategic partnerships with the brands associated with ‘differentiating attributes’​
    • Areas of improvement in current campaign assets​
    • Changes in each campaign asset in order to capitalize on current ‘white spaces’​

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