The survey helped us to understand the installed base of IXR equipment and penetration of key market players. The overall brand experience for all IXR equipment and key drivers of satisfaction is determined.
We identified the differences in current access points used for interventions by specialty and geography.
The research helped us to determine the clinical and workflow related challenges with regards to current interventional procedures. We also understand the expectations of the performers for the next generation interventional X-ray equipment.
We tested 3 value proposition messages to understand performer’s likes/dislikes. We evaluated all 3 messages on clarity, relevance, and effectiveness in solving needs.
We gathered customers feedback on likelihood to adopt and likelihood to purchase the novel IXR solution based on the description shared in the messages. We also understand if the value proposition is perceived unique and its association with current brands.
Based on all the insights, Cetas recommended the changes required in value proposition messages to make the solution more attractive and relevant for the stakeholders.